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Yoga Poses

  • Cradle Pose

    Hindolasana, also known as Rock The Baby Pose or Cradle Pose, is a yoga posture that involves gently rocking back and forth while seated in a cros...
  • Eternal Pose

    Etymology: The Sanskrit word "Anantasana" is derived from two words: "Ananta," which means "endless" or "infinite," and "asana," which means "pose...
  • Shiva Pose

    Etymology: Supta Svarga Dvijasana originates from Sanskrit: Supta means "reclined" or "lying down." Svarga means "heaven" or "bliss." Dvij...
  • Bound Angle

    Etymology: The name "Baddha Konasana" comes from Sanskrit, where "Baddha" means bound, "Kona" means angle, and "Asana" means pose or posture. Henc...
  • Front Split in Handstand

      Etymology: The front split in handstand is a challenging yoga pose that combines elements of handstand and front split (also known as Hanumana...
  • Lotus Legs in Headstand

    "Lotus Legs in Headstand" is a yoga variation where the practitioner assumes the traditional headstand pose (Sirsasana) with the legs crossed in...
  • Sage Visvamitra Pose

    The Sage Visvamitra Pose, also known as Visvamitrasana, is an intermediate to advanced yoga pose that requires flexibility, strength, and balanc...
  • King Cobra

    Etymology: The pose name "King Cobra" is derived from Sanskrit: "Raja" means "King." "Bhujangasana" comes from "Bhujanga," which means "snake,"...
  • Side Crow Eagle Legs Variation

    Etymology: The Side Crow Eagle Legs Variation is a hybrid of two yoga poses: Side Crow Pose (Parsva Bakasana) and Eagle Pose (Garudasana). It co...
  • Tree Pose

    Tree Pose, in its Ashtanga variation, provides a foundational balance posture that cultivates focus, strength, and inner stability, making it a va...
  • Twisted Low Lunge

    Etymology: "Parivrtta" means "revolved" or "twisted" in Sanskrit. "Anjaneyasana" is named after Lord Hanuman, who is known as Anjaneya. It is a...
  • Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose 2

        Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose II is a challenging balance pose that offers numerous physical and mental benefits when practiced wi...