Today you can chase your dream to become a certified yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance USA as RYT200. Get trained in innumerous asana variations and modifications, knowing not just how to guide your classes, but how to teach from the anatomical, functional, and energetic point of view. Primarily, you will be taught non-lineage / functional modern style Vinyasa, and secondarily Hatha and Restorative. The focus is on original alignment, as well as on intentional alignment with variations, modifications, drills, conditioning, accessibility, props use, and hands-on assists. Beginners are welcomed and also more advanced students.Venue Address
Rodia village, North Achaea region, Peloponnese, GreeceDuration
16 days total
Skill Level
Group size
Daily classes with asana, meditation, and traditional techniquesAnatomy, philosophy, chanting, teaching methodology, psychology and a lot more
Printed Illustrated Training Manual (506 pages)
Yoga props
Free access to the Online Teacher Training library up to one month after graduation
Eligible to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion
15 nights / 16 days accommodation in a stone villa in Greece
2 meals / daily during your stay, breakfast and lunch, unlimited drinks
What's included
16 days/15 nights accommodation in a stone villa in Greece close to the beach
Tuition for 16 teaching days
Daily asana, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, and more
2 healthy meals daily: breakfast, lunch (breakfast only on days off)
Drinks available during the training hours: filtered water and tea
Rich illustrated printed 500 pages training manual
Downloadable electronic manual with extended asana analysis
Workshop-style classes (backbends, arm balances, functional yoga, drills, divine femininity, dancing warriors, etc.)
High-quality props from Manduka (mat, towel, strap, cork blocks, bolsters, blankets and eye pillows assigned for each student and 1 FeetUp Trainer for the group)
Free access to Online Teacher Training up to one month after graduation
Wi-Fi access
What's not included
Travel insurance
Airport transfer (available at extra cost)
What's not referred in inclusions
This journey is for you if
You have an inner calling to teach and offer the benefits of yoga to the world
You wanted to do a Yoga Teacher Training for years
You need an inspiring mentor to support you in your training experience that has a clear, dedicated personal practice and real teaching experience
You are looking for a community of people who are like-minded and work their spirituality
You feel like you want to expand your understaning behind your practice
You want to go deeper in your Asana practice and reach new levels
You are a new or dedicated practitioner who wants to learn more about yoga practices, like meditation, yogic ethics, establishing a daily practice and more
You are ready to achieve your goals before this year ends
Here is what you will get
A framework for understanding yogic philosophy that is tangible, lively, and fun
A structure of daily practice, to help you translate insight into action and embody a deeper understanding of yourself
An embodied knowledge of the energetic impact of yogic practices, as well as their impact on the mind, body, and emotions
A deep understanding of how to use yogic techniques in a way that is most effective and positively impacts your life through the development of your Meditation practice
A rich content of top quality with illustrated asana, sequences, theory, and more!
What Makes This Training Special
Yoga and More School trainings help students to study the yogic field, create a general commitment to the yogic path without dogmatic attachments and have the ability to apply on the mat and off the mat, in the real world, the philosophy of a yoga practitioner, as well as of a scholar who seeks the eternal truths.
This is a Vinyasa, Hatha & Restorative based training, following modern methods from science, as well as from intuition and love teachings.
The Venue is located in the northern Peloponnese, 2 hours from Athens and 30 minutes from Patras.
It's just 200 m away from an unspoilt beach, 200 m from a bus station connecting to Aigio city, 200 m away from the village traditional taverns.
The Venue
The place is in the nature of North Peloponnese, only 200m from an unspoilt beach (no sunbeds or restaurants). It is not a school or a retreat center, but a homestay. It offers rooms that can be used as single for those who enjoy privacy or shared for couples, friends, or friends to be. Each room has shared or private balcony overlooking the gardens and the beautiful nature. The house has also 2 bathrooms (shared for all the students) and 1 kitchen. The living room and gardens are used for the yoga practice. The average students number for this training is 5-7.
The venue offers:
- 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 practice area, outdoor surrounding gardens and trees
- Indoors yoga space with fireplace and windows with natural light overlooking the nature for peaceful practices
- Outdoor yoga practice will be also held either at the venue or at the beach. The practice space is equipped with high quality yoga props: mats, straps, blocks, bolsters, eye pillows, blankets
- Free laundry (2024 washing machine)
- Wifi access
- 2024 air-conditions in all bedrooms & in the practice shala
- 2023 & 2024 ceiling fans in all bedrooms
- Central oil heating
- Fireplace in the practice shala
- Fire safety
- First aid kit
- Room cleaning at the 7th day
- New sheets at the 7th day
- New face & body towels at the 4th, 8th, and 12th day
The Bedrooms:
The venue has 4 bedrooms.
Each bedroom has: 1 double bed with comfortable mattresses, bedside tables with reading light, mirror, balcony with garden & mountain view, shared bathrooms (two room share one athroom), desk, 2024 air-condition, ceiling fan, closet, mosquito door magnetic net, new face & body towels every 3 days, new sheets at the 7th day, room cleaning at the 7th day, and Wi-Fi access. Important: please buy your own internet data for fast internet.
The bathrooms:
The venue has 2 bathrooms.
The bathrooms have with either shower or buthtub. Both have a hairdryer. Also 1 bathroom has a 2024 washing machine.
The Kitchen:
There is a fully stocked kitchen including a 2024 fridge & refrigerator, oven, microwave oven, water filter, a 2023 coffeemaker, toaster, grill, glasses, flatware, plates, pots, etc.Cleaning:
Sheets and duvet changing weekly towels changing every 3rd day.
The practice space:
The sessions are held either indoors or outdoors or by the beach.
Yoga props are included.
You will be provided daily with breakfast and dinner (only breakfast on days off). All meals are with local products and are cruelty-free (meat / fish free). Vegan and gluten-free options as well.
The following meals are included:
The following drinks are included:
WaterThe following dietary requirement(s) are served and/or catered for:
Gluten Free
Day 1*Arrival up to 10:00
*12:00 - 12:30 Initiation ceremony
*12:30 - 14:00 Yoga class
*14:00 - 16:00 Theory & practice
*16:00 End of the teaching day
There will be a small brake for eating in between
*08:00 - 10:00 Practice, meditation
*10:00 - 14:00 Students teaching, theory, practice, techniques
*14:00 - 16:00 Theory, alignment, assists, chanting, practice
*16:00 End of the teaching day, free day
There will be small brakes for eating in between
*08:00 - 10:00 Closing yoga class
*10:00 - 11:00 Graduation ceremony, dance
*12:00 Late Check-out
There will be a small brake for eating in between
Training Hours
The training complies with the new elevated yoga standards of Yoga Alliance Optional preparation with an online training library (free access).Program
16 days are distributed as:
15 training days1 initiation day
1 graduation day
1 day off
Training Focus
*Warm up / cooling down
*Sun salutations: Classic, A, B, Moon, Creative
*Standing, one-leg standing
*Core Activation
*Seated postures
*Arm balancing
*Finishing postures, supine & prone postures
*Breathing exercises
We infuse also
Variations & Adaptations
Peak PoseMix Flow
Traditional Hatha
Solar ClassesLunar Classes
Expected outcomes:
By the end of the training program, participants are expected to be able to:
- Teach confidently and with safety at the basic level to mixed level Vinyasa classes
- Design Vinyasa, Hatha, and Restorative-based yoga classes and courses based on knowledge of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and philosophy of yoga and feel able to develop their knowledge and practice in the future
- Feel awakened to apply the principles of yoga in their personal lives and to awaken those around them on this path
- Have ignited their inner fire of truth-seeking by researching individually on yoga and offer their own research work according to their scientific background if existed
- Know how to offer yoga-related services to their communities
- Know how to advertise their work and maintain a steady group of practitioners
- Combine other alternative methods they may be familiar with their work in yoga
- Offer retreats, workshops, and alternative events to their communities
- Collaborate with teachers of other yoga systems to spread yoga worldwide and locally
The content is divided into 10 modules that communicate with the practice:
Module 1
Sun Salutations and Sun Salutation Poses
Module 2
Standing Poses
Module 3
Twisted and One-Legged Standing Poses
Module 4
Kneeling and Sitting Poses
Module 5
Sitting Poses
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Module 9
Finishing Poses & Restorative
Module 10
Practice classes videos, hands-on assists analysis videos, short asana analysis manual, extended asana analysis manual. Main asanas are covered with the different variations they appear in modern practice. Finally, there is a really extensive number of asanas that will be covered. Kinetic exercises from modern functional theory with experiential analysis.
Syllabus of asana (92 ASANA + INNUMEROUS VARIATIONS):
*Urdhva Hastasana
*Adho Mukha Svanasana
*Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
*Chaturanga Dandasana
*Ashta Chandrasana
*Virabhadrasana I
*Virabhadrasana II
*Virabhadrasana III
*Viparita Virabhadrasana
*Utthita Trikonasana
*Utthita Parsvakonasana
*Dwi Konasana
*Prasarita Padottanasana I, II, III, IV
*Ardha Chandrasana
*Ardha Chandra Chapasana
*Parivrtta Trikonasana
*Parivrtta Utthita Parsvakonasana
*Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
*Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I, II, III
*Svarga Dvijasana
*Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
*Baddha Konasana
*Janu Sirsasana
*Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
*Upavistha Konasana
*Urdhva Upavistha Konasana
*Ubhaya Padangusthasana
*Arhda Hanumanasana
*Ardha Matsyendrasana
*Marichyasana I, II, III
*Surya Yantrasana
*Yogi Dandasana
*Parsva Bakasana
*Eka Pada Koundinyasana I
*Eka Pada Koundinyasana II
*Urdhva Dhanurasana
*Salamba Sarvangasana
*Pincha Mayurasana
*Adho Mukha Vrksasana
*Setu Bandhasana
*Jathara Parivartanasana
*Salamba Sarvangasana
*Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I, II, III
*Viparita Karani
*Supta Baddha Konasana
KINETIC EXERCISES: from Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga tradition as well as functionality and conditioning with experiential and partly extended the analysis.
- Warm-up flow
- Surya Namaskar variations
- Chandra Namaskar variations
- Table Top Flow
- Kumbakhasana Flow
- Dancing Warriors Flow
- Utkatasana-Pistol Squat Flow
- Kaliasana Dance Flow
- Trikonasana functional flow
- Parsvottanasana functional flow
- Seated Poses Flow
- Roll back and forward Flow
- Jump back & forward
- Vasisthasana Flow
- Core activation Drills
- Vasisthasana Flow
- EPKII transitions
- Splits Drills
- Bakasana Drills
- Ashtavakrasana Drills
- Backbends Drills
- Camatkarasana-Urdhva Dhanurasana Flow
- Urdhva Dhanurasana Flow
- Ustrasana-Kapotasana Flow
- Inversions Drills
- Restorative
- Karanas
- Qi qong flow
- Moving meditation
- Mudra vinyasa
MUDRA (Pranic hand gestures and sealing poses, benefits, and circumstances to use them):
- Theory: the power of mudra
- Chin Mudra
- Anjali Mudra
- Ganesha Mudra
- Garuda Mudra
- Lotus Mudra
- Prithvi Mudra
BANDHA (Internal locks, main, and secondary):
- Theory: the power of bandha
- Mula Bandha / Root Lock
- Uddiyana Bandha / Belly Lock
- Jalandhara Bandha / Neck Lock
- Double Bandha
- Maha Bandha / Great Lock
PRANAYAMA (traditional breathing techniques and modern breathwork exercises):
- Theory: the power of pranayama
- Full Breath / Diaphragmatic Breath
- Ujjayi Breath / Oceanic Breath
- Nadi Shodhana / Alternative Nostril Breathing
- Kapalabhati / Fire Breath
- Brahamari / Bee Breath
- Bhastrika / Bellows Breath
- Anuloma Viloma / Alternative Nostril Breathing Variations
MANTRA (Chanting for meditation practice):
- Theory: the power of mantra
- Garyatri
- Lokaksema
- Shanti Mantra
- Om Namah Shivaya
- Ganesh Maha Mantra
- Circle Chants from various traditions
- Benefits
- Finding the personal voice for meditation guidance
- Types of meditation: theming guided meditation, visualization, non-guided meditation
- *Scripts for guided meditations: solar and lunar, archetypes, shamanic, yoga nidra, chakra affirmations, raja yoga meditation, positive affirmations, nature, theta healing, divine femininity and masculinity, mindfulness, etc.
- Sequencing Art
- Theming Art
- Cueing Art
- Fascia
- Hands-on Assists Art
- Class Plans
- Guidance Style
- Teacher's Energy
- Teaching Communicability
- Sacred Space
- Art of Voice
- Art of Vinyasa
- Shoulders muscles, Arms muscles, Upper Limb muscles
- Anatomy: Back and Neck muscles, Bones of Sternum, Ribcage and Ribs
- Skeletal System
- Anatomy: Chest and Abdominal muscles, Spine Anatomy
- Pelvis and Thighs anatomy
- Calf and Foot Anatomy
- Skull Anatomy
- Yoga applied anatomy: anatomy knowledge that serves the yoga practice, eg. muscles and joints that work in each asana
- Stretching
- Skeletal System
- Muscular System
- Respiratory System
- Anatomical Position and Directional Terms
- Types of body movements
- Positions in Space
- Planes of Motion
- Joints Movements
- Joints actions, types of movements
- Kinetic Chains
- What is Yoga
- Energetic airs / Vayu system
- Energetic bodies / Kosha system
- Energetic qualities / Guna system
- Energetic centers / Chakra system
- Eight Limbs Yoga / Ashtanga path
- The professionalism of the yoga teaching
- The yoga teacher as a professional
- How to title the yoga sessions
- How to write a CV, resume, personal signature
- How to pricing
- How to find a job
- How to set up a brand
- How to title yourself as a yoga teacher
- Resources for Online Teachning
- New Moon Journal
- Warrior Journal
- Goddess Journal
- Energy Journal
- Yamas-Niyamas Journal
Preparation for exams: 1 teaching practice and 1 written test (the philosophy is not to be examined, but to self-reflect upon what you have learned).
Throughout the training, a certain selected bibliography is used and proposed for lifelong learning as well. Also, free ebooks are given to read and complete the exercises.
This curriculum follows the Yoga Alliance guidelines in 200-hour training.
Requirements & Seminar Policy
- Student must have a good understanding of English language.
- A strong commitment and high energy to learn is necessary from the student. If you are a total beginner, pregnant, have injuries or health issues be aware that this program is not for you. Be sure before you apply that extra commitment and openness is necessary.
- Some asanas inside the regular yoga practices are challenging and the program will be kept as scheduled, but giving some easier variations, adaptations, and modifications for you to follow in the sense of inclusion. Keep in mind that inclusive education refers not only to beginners, but also to advanced students, who have the right to learn according to their needs also.
- Also, be aware that you will practice daily seated or lying meditation.
- Please bring white clothes, an object of personal value, and a yoga mala for the ceremonies and chanting classes. White clothing is the dress code for initiation and graduation yoga ceremonies.
- Alcohol and fast food is not allowed to be brought in the venue.
- As the program meets the requirements for Yoga Alliance RYT200 criteria, skipping from the program will not lead to Yoga Alliance certification.
- Students should read and self-practice after the training hours daily to complete the Non Contact Hours. They will complete short and simple exercises, prepare a class or a meditation or a dharma talk, etc.
- Students should not sleep later than 11 pm.
- Students should teach in front of the class whenever asked, no skips will be allowed.
- Students also must send the Post Training Requirements even though they will have been graduated and registered to Yoga Alliance as RYT200. This is required according to the yogic principles of commitment and trust.
- Students are responsible to keep their rooms clean and tidy. They have room cleaning service, at which time they should be off from their rooms.
- Students should promote the team sense, trying to connect with their heart energy, avoid competition, gossiping, and skipping from the activities.
- After the training starts, if a student leaves the program at their own will, no refunds are issued.
- Any part of the training time or leisure time including students can be recorded with video or photos or any recording method for promotional reasons and forever. All the training content created from students can be used for promotional reasons as well forever.
- The teacher reserves the right to exclude a student that do not comply with the this policy without tuition refund or travel expeses refund.
Extra support
- Gift the Online Teacher Training with free access up to one month after graduation, an online training platform with rich archived content: free resources for immediate download, yoga tutorial books, energetic theory yoga books, articles, mandala painting, themed journaling, yoga theming ideas, free templates to use in your classes, proposed bibliography, mantra book, yoga class plans. The training material supports trainees in lifelong, deep learning. Students refer they still use the training material even after graduation having ignited their passion for knowledge and self-growth.
- Preparation for real class teaching with supportive, honest, and pedagogy-based feedback making suggestions on weaknesses for improvement and strong aspects to focus on.
- Exclusive graduates Facebook group as an online space designed to share information, resources, and experiences and develop meaningful personal and professional relationships.
- The program meets the criteria of the most famous organization of acknowledging instructors' skills, Yoga Alliance USA (RYS200, RYS300, ID 243380).
- Students who complete their training are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®200).
1 Double Bed, Shared bathroom (2 bedrooms share 1 bathroom), Balcony with garden & mountain view, Air-condition, Ceiling Fan, Desk, Closet

1 Double Bed, Shared bathroom (2 bedrooms share 1 bathroom), Balcony with garden & mountain view, Air-condition, Ceiling Fan, Desk, Closet

1 Double Bed, Shared bathroom (2 bedrooms share 1 bathroom), Balcony with garden & mountain view, Air-condition, Ceiling Fan, Desk, Closet

1 Double Bed, Shared bathroom (2 bedrooms share 1 bathroom), Balcony with garden & mountain view, Air-condition, Ceiling Fan, Desk, Closet

Extra things to do
Μore payment options
Transaction fees
Cancellation Policy