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Tree Pose

Tree Pose, in its Ashtanga variation, provides a foundational balance posture that cultivates focus, strength, and inner stability, making it a valuable addition to any yoga practice.

Etymology: The Tree Pose, known as "Vrksasana" in Sanskrit, is derived from "vrksa" meaning tree and "asana" meaning pose. This yoga posture symbolizes the grace and strength of a tree.


  1. Improves balance and concentration.
  2. Strengthens the legs, ankles, and core muscles.
  3. Stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders.
  4. Enhances posture and body awareness.
  5. Calms the mind and relieves stress.


  1. Recent or chronic ankle or knee injuries.
  2. High blood pressure or vertigo (use caution).

Alignment Tips:

  1. Begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides.
  2. Shift weight onto one leg, lifting the opposite foot off the ground.
  3. Place the sole of the lifted foot on the inner thigh, calf, or ankle of the standing leg, avoiding the knee joint.
  4. Press the foot into the leg and the leg into the foot to create stability.
  5. Engage the core and lengthen the spine.
  6. Extend the arms overhead or keep them in prayer position at the heart center.
  7. Find a focal point (drishti) to assist with balance and concentration.


  1. Improves posture and alignment.
  2. Alleviates sciatica and flat feet.
  3. Relieves mild anxiety and stress.
  4. Strengthens the arches of the feet.

How to do it:

  1. Begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).
  2. Shift weight onto the left foot and lift the right foot off the ground.
  3. Place the sole of the right foot against the inner left thigh or calf, avoiding the knee joint.
  4. Press the foot into the leg and the leg into the foot to find balance.
  5. Extend the arms overhead or keep them at the heart center.
  6. Hold for several breaths.
  7. Repeat on the other side.


  1. Place the foot on the inner ankle instead of the thigh.
  2. Use a wall or chair for support.
  3. Keep the toes of the lifted foot on the ground for stability.


  1. Yoga block for support under the foot.
  2. Wall or chair for stability.


  1. Collapsing into the standing hip.
  2. Leaning too far forward or backward.
  3. Placing excessive pressure on the knee joint.
  4. Overarching the lower back.
  5. Dropping the lifted hip or shoulder.


  1. Offer a hand for balance.
  2. Guide the lifted foot into position.
  3. Use verbal cues to encourage proper alignment.

Prep Poses:

  1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  2. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
  3. Vrksasana Variation (Tree Pose with the foot resting on the ground)

Follow Up Poses:

  1. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)
  2. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose)
  3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)