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Floor Sequence

A Floor Yoga Sequence can be beneficial for various reasons, including increased flexibility, relaxation, and stress relief.

It is part of the sequeces of a yoga class:
Yoga Sequences
  • Opening
  • Warm up: any position in space
  • Peak phase: standing poses, sitting poses, more positions in space
  • Floor: Groud-based poses, finishing poses
  • Cool down: soothing poses, yin poses, restorative poses
  • Ultimate Relaxation: Savasana
Here's a simple sequence you can try:
  1. Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer Pose):

    • Start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended.
    • Bend your right knee and bring the sole of your right foot to the inner left thigh.
    • Reach your right hand behind your back and clasp the outer edge of your right foot.
    • Inhale, lengthen your spine, and exhale as you fold forward over your left leg.
    • Hold for several breaths, then switch sides.
  2. Marichyasana II, III, IV (Sage Pose variations):

    • Begin seated with your legs extended.
    • Bend your right knee and place the sole of your right foot on the floor close to your right sit bone.
    • Inhale, reach your left arm up, and exhale as you twist to the right, wrapping your left arm around your right thigh.
    • Hold for a few breaths, then release and switch sides for each variation.
  3. Supta Hasta Padangusthasana I (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose):

    • Lie on your back with your legs extended.
    • Bend your right knee and hug it into your chest.
    • Loop a strap around the arch of your right foot and straighten your leg towards the ceiling.
    • Hold the strap with both hands and relax into the stretch.
    • Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides.
  4. Karnapidasana Hasta Janu (Ear Pressure Pose with Hand to Knee):

    • Lie on your back and lift your legs overhead, bending your knees and bringing them toward your ears.
    • Reach your hands back to hold onto your feet or ankles.
    • Press your knees towards your ears and extend your spine along the floor.
    • Release your hands and slowly lower your legs back down.
  5. Urdhva Padmasana (Lotus Pose):

    • From a seated position, bring your right foot onto your left thigh and your left foot onto your right thigh.
    • Sit up tall and bring your hands into a comfortable mudra or rest them on your knees.
    • Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  6. Pindasana (Embryo Pose):

    • From Lotus Pose, gently roll onto your back while keeping your legs crossed.
    • Wrap your arms around your legs and hug them towards your chest.
    • Hold for a few breaths, feeling the compression in your abdomen.
  7. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose):

    • Lie on your back with the soles of your feet together and knees apart, forming a diamond shape with your legs.
    • Place your hands on your belly or let them rest by your sides.
    • Close your eyes and relax into the pose, allowing your hips to open and release tension.

This sequence offers a combination of stretches, twists, and gentle inversions to help release tension, improve flexibility, and promote relaxation. Remember to listen to your body and modify any poses as needed. Enjoy your practice!