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Art of Meditation: The magic of silence

We live in a society of chatter, we are bombarded by events, information, anarchic noises and thoughts, which do not allow us to live in the now.

The only moment silence is when we sleep. There, at this time, when the mind is quiet and passes into other stages of frequencies, dreams are activated which may contain periods of intense action. Space-time is catalyzed and we become observers of what is happening in this world, spectators of our work and at the same time actors, everything can run very slow or fast, time is lost and magic happens, wishes come true.

How many of you have gotten to the point of interfering with your dreams and defining them as you wish? To become conscious in the dream and transform the reality of that which does not satisfy your will?

And after almost any sleep, after this period of silence you usually wake up energized for your daily activity. In this period of sleep, silence and observation, this period of magic and non-time you are "charged" with energy for the next day. It is a kind of unconscious meditation, in which you connect with your being and "rest" from everyday thoughts and actions, fill with energy that has been lost after a day of action.

But when do we lose energy?
Have you noticed when you get really tired in everyday life?

If you notice, we do not lose our energy when we do things that inspire us, creative things, when we become creators of ideas and actions that express our soul's desire, when we become poets and live each moment as an eternity of creation in our day, when we live and enjoy everything here and now uniquely, and with unconditional love, observing it as in dreams. It's a small continuous conscious meditation that unites us with the depths of existence, eternal and infinite.

When we lose energy and get tired it is because there is no inspiration, when we do things mechanically, we do things we don't like and when we are immersed in meaningless information and mind noise. When we think and let the mind become the master of our will for life and love, then our energy leaves us, we become small, we fit into the box, and we spend ourselves in thoughts that circulate in our past, in things we didn't do, things we should have to do or actions of others that affected us, or in our future, in thoughts of hope, insecurity, guilt, reflection, blame towards others.

Magic is found as in some dreams when that time itself is catalyzed through the space we live in, when in the here and now we tame the information and uncontrollable thinking that dominates the past and future and let it go before it absorbs our energy. The magic lies there between the two thoughts, in those unique moments of silence that contain not knowledge but wisdom. The mind is a useful tool but when it becomes overpowering we lose this gift of our self-awareness.

By finding within ourselves this magical silence even when we are active, we discover another world, in which we can find ourselves in this balance. Living every moment as if it were the last and creating through it you discover your greatness and the greatness of God within you, the greatness of people and all the creation around you. You discover the shining diamond within you and take a step towards self-awareness. And that's where the miracles come.